• Posted by : Sassy 29 October, 2020


    It was just a matter of time until the 2 loves of my life became 1! I had been thinking about ​​finally making a crossover between the Spice Girls and Sailor Moon for a long time, and of all the ideas I had, this "Movie poster redraw" was the one I wanted to do first. It's not a secret that I'm a big fan 
    of the Spice Girls (just look at my nickname) and the VHS of the movie was one of the first things I had of them when I was a child. I used to go to the video store nearby, and when I saw it for sale on the shelf it was like seeing Jesus or something! I bought it and watched it over and over again, so it brings me so many good memories. I've put each Sailor with the Spice I think suits best for her: 

    Moon as Baby (childish + innocent + blonde + pigtails), 
    Mars as Ginger (the sexy one, the lady in red, pure fire you know?), 
    Mercury as Posh (the quiet/demure one), Venus as Scary (sassy, crazy and extrovert
    and Jupiter as Sporty (the strong one, a bit butch and knows how to rock a ponytail). 

    As a 90's kid I've always pictured the Sailors as the Spice Girls and viceversa, so I'm so happy 
    to have finally make it real. I warn you all, this will not be the last time I crossover them! 
    Even if you're a Spice Girls fan or not, I really really really hope you like it!🥰 
    Sharing is really apreciated (if you credit, if not, move over), now I'm gonna get to work 
    on the next project so I just want you to say you'll be there!✌️💋


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