Archive for January 2023

  • Parallel Sailor Moon ~ Kousagi



    I was making this to celebrate the chinese new year,
    but I've come a bit late...πŸ˜“ 
    Since there's no "official" color palette for Kousagi (or any of the Parallel inner senshi)
    I've chosen what I liked the most. I've seen this color palette used by
    several artist on internet and I'm a sucker for pastels
    (also I think it's what suits her the most with all the "bunnies" aesthetic)
    so there she goes!πŸ₯° 
    I want to make the full team (that's my intention at least...)
    so I hope to find time for thatπŸ˜… 
    I really hope u like it!πŸ’– 

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    The Art of Sassy - Powered by Blogger - Designed by Johanes Djogan // Edit by KraposomA // Background Sailor Moon scenery, edit by sassy